Multistage centrifugal Blower consists of a rotating shaft and multi-impellers operating in specially designed Inlet Housing. Outlet Housing and Intermediate Sections. The impellers are accurately balanced. This is a multi-impeller and multi-stage assembly. The number of stages and speed are selected to suit the customer’s exact requirements.
They are usually V-Belt driven from electric motors.In the larger sizes the machines can be direct coupled to electric motors.
The mahine and motor can be mounted on base frame fabricated and machined from steel in plain Horizotal in line style or a box type vertical style saving the space. |
No Fine internal clearance or wearing parts requiring lubrication except Bearing. |
Air delivered is free from oil,vapour,moisture or other contamination. |
Air is completely uniform and free from pulsation. |
Power consumption varies with the volume of Air delivered. |
Dynamically Balanced impellers minimise vibrations. |
Space Efficient design. |
Versatile: Can be used as Blower for pressure and as Exhausters for suction. |
Vacuum Cleaning. |
Pneumatic Conveying. |
Steam and condensate extraction. |
Gas Blowing and Boosting. |
Aeration of Powders. |
Furnace Blowing. |
Agitation of liquids. |
Cooling and Drying. |
Textile machinery. |
Machine Tools. |
Air Flow : 80 To 400 cfm |
Vacuum : 650 to 2500 mm wc |
Pressure : 650 to 4000 mm wc. |
Silencer |
Filter |
Anti – Vibration Pads |